What happened to 2021Q1 and 2021Q2 smartos images?
If you do a imgadm avail
you will see that the latest LTS image of smartos is :
800db35c-5408-11eb-9792-872f658e7911 minimal-64-lts 20.4.0 smartos zone-dataset 2021-01-11
1d05e788-5409-11eb-b12f-037bd7fee4ee base-64-lts 20.4.0 smartos zone-dataset 2021-01-11
188ee9ce-540a-11eb-9cc1-2748cd10e5e2 pkgbuild-lts 20.4.0 smartos zone-dataset 2021-01-11
I was wondering what happened to the rest of the images? We used to see them every quarter. Jonathan Perkin answered the question on the mailinglist (https://smartos.topicbox.com/groups/smartos-discuss/Tf17bc027dd6f9cba-M7dedf357e2bb4ca48d8065a5):
I stopped producing the non-LTS quarterly releases. They weren't all
that useful (in my opinion), as users are better served running either
LTS if they want a static set of packages with the occasional security
fix, or trunk if they just want the latest and most secure software.
It's also hard to justify spending time and resources on them now that
JPC is no more (so my available hardware is significantly reduced) and
I'm no longer working on pkgsrc full-time.
Simply change your pkgin repo to the trunk version if you want the latest and greatest:
edit /opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf
and replace the :
/packages/SmartOS/2020Q4/x86_64/All -> /packages/SmartOS/trunk/x86_64/All
and run a pkgin upgrade